torsdag den 27. november 2008

To be sound in mind and body is cool…

Dear children,

We experience something sinister right now. Rich and well educated people is more heakthy than poor and shorttime educated. In all areas of life. And similar pattern is found in children.

How early in life is this elimination race meant to start? We know that in the area of nutrition it takes place already during first year of life. In the area of smoking it takes place at 11-12 years. In the area of exercise it takes places at the same age and finally differences in alcohol consumption is separated a few years later.

What is really important is to make it attractive for children to be sound in mind and body. And this must take place BEFORE the children spread out in different lift style patterns.

So it must be done already in the pre-school ages. With motivation as dominate factor.: Sound in mind and body is cool…
With daily, organized excersize, with a substantial hot meal at noontime. With access to healthy food as fruit, water, vegetables during daytime..

IF we get this process started right on time, we have an opportunity to change the social polarization of health…

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