tirsdag den 20. januar 2009

Firing is risk factor for death from heart disease

A finnish study made by Vahtera et al. and published in 2004 states out, at among 22430 employees, who kept their job after downsizing of their company, the risk for dying from ischæmic heart disease was 50% higher during the next 7,5 years.
This xas the result of what is called minor downsizing 12-18% of the total staff.
Major downsizing (more than 18%) made the risk of heart-death rize to 70% during the 7,5-years period.

This is serious. A lot of companies are downsizing right now and personally I hold these companies responsible for taking very good care of their employees after a firing round.

Source: Vahtera et al. BMJ;2004:328:555-558

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